Monday, February 05, 2007

Fiesta, Forever

My camera died -- I mean, really died -- on Saturday, so I can't show pictures.

But I had a wonderful birthday party filled with good friends and bright colors, and the conversation was so unstoppable that even though we had music playing, you couldn't hear it. That's what I call a good crowd.

And I had party bags filled with great little toys -- like, get this, miniature Barrels of Monkeys! OH MY GOD. What fun. I can't get over them.

And we had a brightly-colored pinata packed with brightly-colored candy (thanks, Amy) and a house packed with brightly-colored balloons (thanks, Laurie) and walls strung with brightly-colored streamers (thanks, Elizabeth).

And there were tacos (thanks, Honey) and cake and ice cream and, like I said, wonderful, brightly-colored people. I am so lucky.

About the camera, I am pretty sure my extended service plan expires on February 28. So it might have died just in time. Keeping my fingers crossed, because otherwise, it becomes a choice between new, non-tattered clothing and a new, functional camera.


Anonymous said...

It was way fun! Glad I could help with my balloon fascination!

Anonymous said...

Glad you had a birthday fiesta filled with happiness and color, just as a birthday should be celebrated - in full living color.
When you get a chance, stop by my blog - there's a little something over there you might enjoy reading about...

Anonymous said...

Hope you manage to get the camera sorted out.