Monday, September 24, 2007

Observations on This Modern World

A disadvantage of living in a world with e-mail is that when I am expecting something to arrive in the regular mail, I have an impulse to go check our mailbox every ten minutes, even if the mail has already come for the day.

And a disadvantage of living in a world with cell phones is that whenever I misplace something - anything - I have the urge to call it so I can figure out where it is. Sadly, my wallet, keys and sunglasses did not come with telephone numbers. They should. (Fortunately for me, when I lose those things, I usually lose them in the same places every time, and my husband knows where those places are.)


Anonymous said...

Good luck with selling some of your work. Oh, do you rent out your husband...would he please be able to find my reading glasses?

Anonymous said...

Hee hee - I recently wanted to 'beep' open the door lock on the front door, the way I do on the car...funny, how these technological advances can throw us for a loop.

Anonymous said...

I love that you found your way clear across the USA alone. You amaze me modern country girl!!

Anonymous said...

Corey! That's because I didn't need any modern technology -- just a map, and they're my specialty!

Caba, he could probably help! I don't think he'd argue with a trip to Australia, either! Hmmmm... we've never had a honeymoon, either...

Tinker, I would totally do that.